Fintastic Fish: 5 Health Benefits of Adding Fish To Your Diet

Most people know that fish is super tasty, but did you also know that it is super good for you too? Fish is a great source of lean protein and is loaded with important nutrients like vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids that play a critical role in brain and body development. Read on to learn about five reasons why you should consider adding more fish to your diet.

1. Reduces Risk of Heart Disease

Heart attacks and strokes are the two most common causes of premature death in the world. The good news is that there is plenty of evidence to support fish being one of the best foods you can eat to maintain a healthy heart. Research has found that women who ate little to no fish had 50 percent more heart problems than those who ate fish at least once per week. It’s believed that the fatty acids (omega-3’s) found in fish reduce blood fat levels, which contributes to lower risks of heart disease.

2. Encourages Healthy Development

Omega-3 fatty acids are an essential part of healthy growth and development in fetus’, especially when it comes to brain and eye development. Because of this, it’s highly recommended that pregnant and nursing mothers make sure to incorporate fish into their diet. However, there is one caveat as some fish is high in mercury, which is linked to brain developmental problems. For this reason, pregnant women should only eat fish that are low in the food chain (salmon, sardines, trout) and limit their intake to no more than 12 ounces a week. Expecting mothers should also avoid raw fish, like sushi, because it may contain microorganisms that could harm the fetus.

3. Reduces Risk of Alzheimer’s

One of the downsides of aging is that brain function often begins to deteriorate. While this is completely normal, there are some serious neurodegenerative diseases, like Alzheimer’s, that can wreak havoc on a person’s memory. Eating fish as little as once a week has been shown to preserve gray-matter neurons – the part of the brain linked to memory and cognition, which helps to slow the rate of cognitive decline.

4. Encourages Healthy Hair & Skin

Many people today avoid fat in their diet at all costs. The downside to eating low-fat is you often deprive your skin and hair of the healthy fat it needs, leaving it dull and dry. Incorporating healthy fats, like those found in fish, can help to keep your skin looking nourished and your hair shiny. Omega-3 consumption is often used as a treatment for certain skin conditions, like psoriasis.

5. Provides You With A Dose of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an essential vitamin that many of us are deficient in. But did you know that standing under the sun isn’t the only way to get vitamin D? Adding fish to your diet once or twice a week is a great way to add dietary vitamin D into your system, no sun required. Vitamin D has been shown to support a healthy immune system and promote strong bone health, and a single four ounce serving of cooked salmon contains around 100% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin D.

Stock Up On Fish Today

D’Arcy’s Meats is proud to carry fish from Effing Seafoods, a local seafood supplier in Edmonton. From salmon to trout, visit our store to shop the latest selection. Have a special request? Give us a call and we will be happy to place your order.

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